We started out football Sunday at BW3's, but we couldn't stay long because we had errands
to run. Luckily, our Sirius satellite radio covers all the NFL games, so we tuned in from the
car and our screen even shows the score in real time. Cool! It costs $75.00 to fill the
Jeep up... three times more than my VW. Not cool! The Jeep does get the same gas mileage
as the Mustang though, so overall, our gas budget has not changed. Oh, and this boy takes
waving to himself so literally. We say "Hi, Will" and "Bye, Will" and turns his little hand and
waves it toward himself. Smarty pants!

Our little puppy dog Skype'ing with the grandparents showing off his Halloween costume!
After a long day at the babysitter and with a self-inflicted bedtime of 7:00 pm, we didn't go
trick-or-treating. But we let him move around our house a little in his costume with his bucket!

Hello, beautiful backyard leaves!

I always love my hot coffee in the morning, but I really love my hot cocoa on cold mornings!

Because we work Monday through Friday, we absolutely love our weekend mornings
waking up with Will. During the week, he is tired when we get home and we don't get
his best side while we are working through dinner, bath, and bedtime routine. In the
mornings, after a good nights sleep, he wakes up so sweet and precious and ready to
play and explore. He is walking on his own about 4-5 steps now. He looks a little bit like
Frankenstein with his arms stretched out for balance, but it is so cute. I just have to figure
out how to capture him with the iPhone without it looking like a blurry blob. Any tips?
linking up with amy at a good life.