we are now season ticket holders for kings dominion and Will has officially enjoyed his
first theme park adventure | he was all smiles on his very first rides (proud momma moment)
| while Will stayed with my mother-in-law, Matt and I rode some rides | probably best that
he slept through the animated dinosaur tour | he woke up just in time to enjoy a funnel
cake by the fountain, get a snoopy dog, and wave good-bye for the afternoon

we woke up to a rainy day which meant napping, staying in our pajamas all day, and building
forts with blankets | we finally ventured out for dinner and I enjoyed my new iPhone

picked up fast food on the way home and Will had his first bite of fried chicken | he liked
the skin, but he really LOVED the chicken!

someone was sleepy on the way to the babysitter's house | it was a pretty drive home with
this happy boy | we played in the yard and I practiced with my new olloclip lenses

the sun finally came out | Will played with his bubble machine and the water hose while I
played with my macro and fish eye lenses | an after dinner snack of grapes was enjoyed

after a pretty morning, my coworkers celebrated my last week at my current job with a food
day that was kicked off with fresh panera bagels | after some crazy antics at the dinner
table, we played outside and will brought me flowers

just as I was wrapping things up on my last day at my current position, I got a call that
Will was sick, so off I went to pick him up | we spent the rest of the day snuggled up
watching cartoons | while he napped, I practiced some more with my macro lens on the flowers

Will enjoyed his morning cartoons and some snuggles | after a visit to the doctor, we came
home without any answers as to what was causing his fever, but at least he was feeling better
and eating and drinking again

linking up with amy at a good life. and jenni at story of my life

Oh no! Hope little man is feeling better! I always tell Jaxy that mama will snuggle away the "sickies." Lol... I just LOVE the snuggles)
OMGosh. Best day ever. Jammies all day, blanket forts, & fried chicken. Heck yes please!
Hey lady, I would LOOOOVE for you to link up to out little photo challenge Finagle a Foto! Our themes this week are {8pm} & {door}. You can do one or both. No worries if no time, but would love to have you. Your pictures are beautiful!
I hope your little guy gets to feeling better. This was my household last week! Ugh! Cute pics and sounds like a busy week!
Your little guy keeps getting cuter and cuter! He's adorable! All of your pictures are so neat.