We took Will to a agriculture fair a few counties away for a change of scenery and a
little unexpected fun. Can you see the excitement on his face?

First, he and daddy tried out some John Deere tractors. The one Matt is so excited
to be sitting in was almost $200,000.00. Too bad we only live on an acre and would
have no use for such a thing!

Next, we met a miniature pony named Rebel, and a regular pony named Prissy. To Will,
they were dogs. Everything he learned about animals and their noises from his
see-n-say and videos went completely out the window, and every living thing at the
fair, other than humans, was simply a dog!

We saw chickens, hens, chicks, ducks, and roosters! (again, dogs to Will!)

Then came his favorite of the animals, the pigs! (dogs, of course!)

Followed by goats, sheep, and cows. (big dogs!)

After finishing with all of the animals (dogs), we found some ice cream to cool off!

We finished out our trip at the amusement rides, where Will enjoyed the big slide,
some car and airplane rides, his first ferris wheel with daddy, and a carousel ride
with momma!
It was a fun day and we got out of there just before a big storm hit! I see more
county fairs in our future with this little guy! Back to teaching him these animals
again for next time!!
Oh, and I finally updated Will's month by month listing:

Check it out if you are interested!

Reminds me of when we took you to the NC state fair when you were 14 months!
Looks like Will's favorite activity was going down the big slide with his dad. That's one way to ride the big rides now and not have to wait.
What a FUN little adventure!! I think it is just adorable that he though the ponies were dogs. :) I bet those mini horses ARE confusing to little guys. And for that matter....all farm animals can be quite confusing. Dogs all around!! ;)
The festival pics are adorable!! Such a happy little guy with his happy family!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Proud of him for braving that giant slide...I don't think my Hudson would have even attempted that! ;)
Yay for fun times at the County Fair...a perfect Summer outing!! :D