We have season passes to King's Dominion, and have put them to use a few times so
far. Here is a photo recap of our adventures:

trip 1: Will's first time ever to a theme park, and he was in awe of everything.
When we got to Planet Snoopy, he walked with purpose and found his way quickly to
the first ride and walked right up to the gate without any hesitation. He allowed
his daddy to buckle him in and sat quietly waiting until the ride started, when it
started to move he grinned from ear to ear and held on tight. When he got off the
first ride, he walked quickly to the next ride and got on and it was more of the
same. He was a brave boy, and thoroughly enjoyed himself. When he sacked out from
exhaustion, Matt, Donna (my mother-in-law), and I took turns riding some of the
adult rides. It was so fun to see my boy experience something new and be so mature!

trip 2: After some hat browsing, we made it to Planet Snoopy where Will had a little
fun with the Snoopy statue. He was a little impatient trying to get to the rides,
and he trotted along with us trailing behind. He enjoyed the swings, then the
Jeeps, then the race cars, and finally the space ships. After all the rides and a
quick snack, he was exhausted and fell asleep with his new Woodstock thermos.

trip 3: We made a last minute trip this time. Will got friendly with Snoopy again,
and then was off to ride the rides. He was a little less excited about the rides on
this trip, almost like they were going too slow for him. When we walked past the
adult rides, he got super excited by the noises and people yelling. We kept telling
him he has a long way to go before he can ride those rides. Poor buddy!
We have plans for the water park on our next visit, but are a little hesitant with
the 100+ temps we have had over the past month. Stay tuned for more theme park
adventures this summer!

We have a Kings Island that is so similar to that... I think I need that Elmo toddler holder.
What a perfect fun way to wear out a happy toddler! LOVE that Elmo.
Okay...this post TOTALLY just answered my question about which park you guys visit. ;) HOW ADORABLE are these photos?! oh my goodness!!!
Love the way he was so adventurous on his first trip....he reminds me so much of my little guy. Hudson's first theme park was Dollywood, and he behaved the same way. SO brave and fearless with the kiddo rides. OH and I LOVE Will's Elmo attachment in that pic. ;)
Trip two looks pretty great, too! Love that woodstock thermos, and of course Will's sweet smile! ALSO, how come my little one never gets worn out after a day out in the sun? Gosh a little nap would be SO welcome sometimes. ;)
Will looks like SUCH a big boy on trip 3. Precious guy....do they have any in between rides he can move up to? OR does he still have a while 'til he's big enough? He's ready for some excitement!! I like that! ;)