trick candles
Matt turned 32 on June 3rd, and we celebrated with dinner out and cake. Will helped his
Grandma Donna pick out he cake (a nice rendition of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse surfing
on waves of blue water) and was so excited all week for us to see it. He kept telling us he
picked out a blue cake! There were so many candles it was impossible to light them all
because the wax was dripping and the flames were getting to hot, so Matt and Will blew, and
blew, and blew. We snuck in some trick candles that kept relighting themselves. After a
while, we had to get a bowl of water and dunk the candles to get them to go out. While
waiting for the bowl of water, Will decided he wanted to stick his finger in the flame.
Luckily he didn't burn himself! After cake, Will asked to go home with his Grandparents,
so we packed his bags and shipped him off for the night and went out on the town!
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Looks like Will had as much fun as Matt! Too cute! And funny! And sweet that Will wanted to go home with Grandma & Grandpa and you two got to go on a date!
so cute! great photos.