a quiet kitchen before everyone wakes

early morning coffee

cake smashing, or icing mustache

party favors

his new favorite thing

window watching with grandpa

the cutest trouble maker around

bath time silly

tickle time with grandpa

enjoying a breakfast of champions
My days have been filled with the preparation and production of a special boy's first birthday
party, Thanksgiving festivities, and entertaining house guests. I have spent quality time with
family and friends. While trying to enjoy it all and live in the moment, I failed to take many
What you won't see in photos...
our house filled with people watching the birthday boy show off his walking skills, numerous football
rivalries where Will learned to cheer for touchdowns with his proud "Crazy Old Man" (way to go Tar
Heels, Gamecocks, and Wolfpack), enjoying my momma and daddy's home cooking (pan fried
chicken, beef stroganoff, and chili - yum), our first nontraditional Thanksgiving at Cracker
Barrel where Will stuffed his face with more food than the adults totally amusing both of his
grandma's, and countless conversations shared over many pots of coffee and mugs of hot cocoa
For all of the people in my life, I am thankful!

He is so cute! Happy Birthday!
wonderful pictures! happy birthday will! looks like his birthday was a BLAST :)
Awww... I missed seeing pictures of the crazy cute little Will! OMGosh that chubby bum shot is priceless!