A bit of a flashback - Will smashing his birthday cupcake on his actual birthday!

Our current Christmas decor. I am torn... tree or no tree, this year? I don't care
for fake trees, so it would have to be real, but I am worried about Will getting
into the needles and pulling on the tree and the ornaments. I just can't imagine
Christmas morning without a tree... and the scent of tree! Decisions, decisions!

Will's hot red tricycle he got for his birthday. Love that we can push him and steer
him in it now, and when he gets older he will be able to peddle it all by himself!

A hearty breakfast at Cracker Barrel - apples, eggs, cinnamon pancakes, and bacon.
Will loves feeding his new shark gifted to him by a waitress he flirts with.

Will loves his new "Skye" hat with his initials embroidered. It really bears a
striking resemblance to the Skye-boy, blue eyes and all!

changing table necessities - rubber ducky, two balls, and a car

Love weekend mornings when I get to enjoy the sun flooding through the windows and
filling the house with warmth. Will looking out to the backyard for his "dahg(s)"!
linking up with amy at a good life.

I've been reading blogs in reader and being a really bad commenter. It's so fast to whip through blogs that way! Cute background, and I hope you all have a great holiday! :)
beautiful photos! I LOVE LOVE the Christmas decoration pictures! And of course Will is as cute as ever!!
Oh...little Will just gets cuter and cuter!! I love his Skye hat, and his precious curls!!!
There is nothing better than a yummy (and big) Cracker Barrel breakfast...we go there, oh, weekly. ;)
As for the tree--I totally had your same predicament last December. We always get a real tree, but I had the same fears as you, so last year, we just got a small real tree and we sat it up on a small table. Voila! It worked out great!
Happy December!!!!
Maybe a table tree. We might do this - keep our little climber safe and ornaments unbroken.
I have been catching up - but oh my goodness, his birthday was so cute. Love it all - especially all the polka dots.