My baby is growing into a big boy right in front of my eyes.
Way too fast for this momma to even begin to comprehend!

Will loves his trike, and so do we! It is so easy to buckle him in, and we can push him
until he learns to peddle. We have used it at the Mall a few times and for walks around
the neighborhood in this unseasonably warm December weather. This thing attracts
attention and inquiries every where we go!

We finally got our tree up. We went with a skinnier Frasier Fir this year, and I
really like it. (Growing up my grandmother hosted Christmas Eve and always had a
regular width artificial tree. One year we got to her house and she had replaced
it with a newer, very skinny artificial tree. We always joked about the anorexic
tree - ha! I do miss your Christmas tree now, Grammie!) Now after perusing other
blogs in blogland, I see how boring our tree is. But, really, we are only home to
enjoy it in the dark, so we don't really notice the decorations, just the lights!
And what would Christmas lights photo session be without a crazy toddler! I
attempted to keep him in one place, but it was impossible. So to keep him from
stepping on the bulbs we had to swing them in the air. And this was the outcome:

I may try another go at this when he first wakes up and is still a little groggy. Maybe
he will sit still for a few seconds so I can get "the shot". Or, there is always next year!
This Jeep is so new, I haven't even had time to formally introduce it, but it has already had
an unfortunate run in with a deer.

My younger animal loving self would have felt pity for the deer that lost it's life as
a result of this accident. My adult reality check self is just angry at the inconvenience
and the fact that a majority of our Christmas spending budget is now going to a
comprehensive insurance deductible. Oh how things change!
On a lighter note, I can never say enough how much I love spending time with this
little guy in the morning when he is well rested and eager to play and cuddle.

This is my favorite time of day with him!
Those who think Crocs aren't the cutest things ever have never seen them on tiny feet!


And for those who have inquired about how Will is doing with the tree. Really,
he doesn't even notice it. The ornaments I have throughout the house are another
story... he just can't resist trying to get his sticky little fingers on them,
so they are ever so cleverly placed safely out of his reach.

Love that little hand reaching up to get an ornament! Sorry about the car... that is no fun.
your tree & house are gorgeous!! love all the will shots. and sucks about your car! so sorry :( we've been through all that... it's not fun. not at all.
So glad the tree is safe from grabby hands! AND SO SAD that you have already had a mishap in the new jeep! :( :( OH NO! I almost couldn't believe it as I read this!!! I'm so sorry that this happened...especially since it is right before Christmas.