An afternoon of family snuggle time, which involved a wrestling match between the
boys and a glass of wine once the little one went down for a nap. Love!

There is nothing like a good bowl of homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese on a
cold Winter night. It is good for the soul!

Christmas goodies were in abundance, and we enjoyed every bite and crumb!

A quiet dinner with my parents at Firebird's, while they were still in town. My salmon
and fried spinach were delicious, as always!

Speaking of fried spinach, you have to try Domino's Spinach & Feta Artisan
Pizza. Think really good cheese bread with crispy fresh spinach leaves (not the
mushy chopped kind). We don't order pizza often, but this is just yummy!

Our new lamp courtesy of my momma, mixed and matched at Target by yours truly!
Loving it with our Pier 1 vase!!

My daddy, our book purveyor, chose some classic Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein, and
some new ones I have never heard of. Will is loving the Tickle Monster Laughter Kit
(fun for any age) and Press Here (for the button pusher stage).

Between Will's birthday and Christmas, our house is now a virtual minefield of toys.
He has a playroom, but somehow they always trickle out to the rest of the house.

Oh, how these two love to play and laugh together!!

Lunch at Taco Bell is not the same without baja sauce on my chalupa - boo!

After a traffic accident on New Years Day between two teenage boys who were racing
each other on a residential street and ended up flipping both vehicles, the power
went out in the largest shopping/dining areas of our town. This threw everyone for
a loop, especially all of the traffic in one of the most heavily trafficked areas
in Virginia, when the traffic lights were out. All of the businesses were out of
power for about an hour. We delayed our shopping plans and got a table for dinner at
Outback, only to find that they couldn't serve us for about 30 minutes while waiting
for the kitchen to get back up and running. We enjoyed fresh fruit and bread with
whipped butter during the wait. Everyone made the most of a bad situation, and we
still had fun. Hope those boys learned some sort of lesson!

I finally caved and purchased my first pair of skinny jeans. I have always thought
they were cute on others, but was happy to stick with my safe boot cuts. It probably
didn't help that the only time I have tried them on I was shopping for maternity
jeans while six months pregnant. I tried them on, they were comfy and Matt liked them,
so I went for it. Now I just have to get out the house in them!

For this New Years Eve, I put aside my sparkly clutch and stayed in with my boys. I enjoyed
some wine, and woke up the next morning to my new favorite coffee, courtesy of my daddy.
This is the last iPhone post of 2011. Happy New Year!
linking up with amy at a good life.

happy New Year! I've so enjoyed getting to know you through your blog posts this year. Here's to a fabulous 2012.
that food looks delicious!!! YUUUMM!!
Dominos has spinach! Yummy. Loving those jeans.