In January, we spent lots of time indoors by the fire with Will who was only a few
months old, Mason and Skye were very spoiled by me being home on maternity leave, we
spent our days playing and watching Will do tummy time, I took lots of photos, and I
enjoyed every second until I had to return back to work after only ten weeks off.

In February, we transitioned to me going back to work and Will going to daycare,
we spent more time indoors staying warm, Will learned to sit in his bumbo and hold
his head up, I celebrated Valentines day with both of my boys, and took more photos.

In March, Will's personality came to life and he learned to laugh and giggle, we
played a lot of airplane, Will started eating solid foods and loved it, we enjoyed
a little snow finally, and Matt and his dad did an amazing job replacing our deck!

In April, the warm weather finally arrived and we headed outdoors to soak it up, we
played with the dogs in the back yard, we took walks around the neighborhood in the
stroller, we enjoyed our cherry tree, we celebrated Easter, and Will got even funnier.

In May, we enjoyed even more warm weather and spent many hours outside in the sunshine,
our pretty flowers were in full bloom, and Will turned into a little chatter box.

In June, we spent lots more time outdoors trying to soak it all up before the heat
got too bad, Will got really good at sitting up on his own, we replanted out front
sidewalk with lots of beautiful flowers that I just couldn't get enough of, we took a
walk through history on Memorial Day, and we grilled and enjoyed fresh strawberries.

In July, we watched the longest fireworks show ever, we took a trip to the mountains
for a family reunion, we made several trips to the farmers market, and Will spent
lots of time petting and laughing at his furry dogs and got very close to crawling.

In August, we celebrated my 29th birthday, Will and I traveled to the beach to visit
Matt when he was on a business trip, we survived an earthquake and a hurricane within
a week of each other, Will spent lots of time swinging, and the boys basked in the sun.

In September, we traveled to North Carolina to visit my parents and other family and
to attend the NC Apple Festival, Will crawled everywhere he could and started to pull
himself up to a standing position, we celebrated Oktoberfest with several friends and
coworkers, and we enjoyed evening campfires with way too many roasted marshmallows.

In October, we took Will to his first Virginia State Fair, we enjoyed our annual trip
to the Outer Banks where Will fell in love with sand and I fell in love with sunrises
over the Atlantic cuddling with my baby boy, we took a day trip to the mountains to
pick apples, drink apple cider, and visit the pumpkin patch, we purchased our new car
and we celebrated Will's first Halloween as the dogs welcomed him to their pack.

In November, we enjoyed cool mornings and changing leaves, more campfires and hot cocoa,
Will really took off walking on his own just before he turned one, we celebrated Will's
first birthday with family and friends, and Will spent quality time with his grandparents.

In December, Will enjoyed walks riding his trike, we enjoyed our towns Christmas parade,
we decked the halls and found our perfect tree, we spent a Christmas Eve and Christmas day
with our wonderful families creating fun memories and celebrating Will's second Christmas.
Over the past year, we have watched Will grow from a baby to a toddler. We have done so
many things as a family that will remain in our memories for many years to come. Years down
the road, this may stand out as one of my favorite years of all time. It has been wonderful,
but I am most looking forward to 2012 and what it has in store for us. Thank you for walking
down memory lane with me. Here's wishing everyone happiness and prosperity in the New Year!!

Look how much your little Will has grown! Isn't it just mind blowing?!
You always take THE sweetest pictures! They never fail to make me smile. :) I am so glad we happened upon each others' blogs...you are a wonderful friend and a fabulous blogger! I wish you and the fam LOTS of happiness in 2012. :D
Awww... it's amazing just how much the ADORABLE Will has grown! All the cute little shots of Wills baby feet... SWOON. You take really beautiful pictures lady, & you have fabulous composition! Happy New Year friend!!