checking out a pretty little lady all through dinner | it took a "chocolate thunder down
under" to steal his attention away

someone was sleepy after all of that flirting, or maybe it is a chocolate coma

scenes from our sunday morning | newspaper reading, toy playing, sunlight enjoying, blogging,
and reeses' easter egg enjoying

sick days are the perfect days to not match your clothes

laundry time while the boy napped | it was nice being a stay-at-home momma for the day

off to the doctors office on a beautiful day | we were hoping for good results from his
blood work | this boy gives blood like a champ and didn't even cry this time (4th day in
a row having blood drawn from his itty bitty fingers) | we got good results and he got
the all clear to go back to the babysitter's the next day

before heading home, we stopped at lowe's to order our new hot water heater and schedule
installation | yipee!

sunsets from this week | from Will's view from the highchair

dinner at our favorite neighborhood italian restaurant | the kind of restaurant where the
wait staff knows us and all the other diners, you can change the channel on the televisions
at your will, and you get great food and service every time along with a smile from the
owner | and, because the worlds best lasagna doesn't look good in black and white

a beautiful 77 degree evening | a request to open the sunroof | a squeal of delight that the
world can now hear through the open sunroof

a gift arrived from my mother-in-law to celebrate my promotion | my certificate for a massage
and pedicure | I am a lucky girl! Thank you, Donna!

dinner out on a rainy friday night | playing with trains and flirting with waitresses while daddy
watched sportscenter
linking up with amy at a good life. and jenni at story of my life

what a cutie! He is absolutely adorable when he is sleeping!
Oh man - that chocolate thunder looks amazing. What is about Thomas theTrain? Eva just found him and can't get enough.
will sleeping completely melts my heart!! and parker is so obsessed with thomas too... we love him around here!
Pedicures are my favorite! What a treat!
Yay for pedis! Girl, I can't even remember the last time I got one!
Will in that little plaid shirt, ADORABLE.
What a great promotion gift....CONGRATS to you! :) Those kind of little neighborhood restaurants are my most favorite. ;) I'm just like little Will...I squeal in delight when the sunroof is open, too!