saturday errands | flirty Will | seared ahi tuna and Outback's bread and butter | getting spoiled
by another chocolate thunder down under | grocery shopping and then back home

watching the big UNC vs DUKE rivalry game | some daddy and son wrestling during
halftime | thirsty boy impatiently waiting for his apple juice | WAY TO GO HEELS!!

there are four secrets to my dad's chili recipe (1) equal parts of ground beef and pork sausage
(2) a palm full of dark chocolate (3) fresh tomatoes (4) smoked pepper jack cheese to top it off
Is there anything better than a Sunday afternoon cooking chili
and then sharing quality family dinner time? I think not!!

crazy skies after work | would you believe that it snowed an inch that morning after we
got to work and then melted before we stepped foot back outside?

love waking up to a happy boy who can turn anything into a toy | making it
through my workday with starbucks and photos of my boys all around my desk

traffic in the morning | traffic in the afternoon
at least it is moving for now, but dreading the stop and go when summer vacations start

enjoying some outdoor time | unpacking his diapers.com delivery | trying to keep up with this boy

first blooms in our front yard this year | hello, beauties!

another evening outside | swinging on the front porch

an afternoon made beautiful by sunshine and the fact that it's finally Friday | happy hour commences

finally in bed after a long week | sweet dreams

waking up to all of these faces totally makes my morning :)
As a working mom, it makes me sad when we get home after dark and are stuck inside to play and read
before bedtime. The past few weeks we have had a little light as the sun is setting. I am doing a happy
dance for the beginning of daylight savings time this weekend. I cannot wait to come home and have an extra
hour of light with my boy outside! Is anyone else looking forward to this?

linking up with amy at a good life. and jenni at story of my life

Oh the extra light is all I keep thinking about - time to play outside AFTER dinner. I can't wait!
Oh. I Love flirty will! Those blowing kissy pics are SO cute! Happy weekend friend!
Your flowers are gorgeous! Do you remember what they are? Our lenten roses are blooming - mostly cream color, but have a few dark pink since I traded with a neighbor a few years back.
Looks like Matt enjoyed the chili, how much did Will eat? Please, please, put olive oil on the top of your grocery list and all of you start taking 1 Tablespoon every day if you are not cooking with it that day - Extra virgin, first cold press - has all of the health benefits to override the bad oil in everything else you eat (fast food/restaurant/snack)! Olive oil & butter are all we use.
Love, Grandmama
love the recap and your pictures.. I am not craving a chocolate thunder from down under. LOL.
The extra hour is here! Wooooop! :) I love all the photos...especially Sunday chili, flirty Will, and Spring's first blooms. LOTS of good stuff going on. Wishing you a super happy Spring-y week ahead. xoxo