unsure about the fire | interested in the food

out and about on Saturday afternoon | momma got new sunglasses

skye kisses | soaking up the sunshine

it was a sunny, sunglasses kind of day | a walk in the park | target run for Easter candy
and other necessities

perfect nap time swinging on the porch swing | it ended somewhat abruptly when someone got
sick from the swinging

green beans, rice, carrots | everything tastes better when the sun is still out at
dinnertime and you still have time to play outside

colossal doughnut morning at work | chic-fil-a lemonade goodness | a windows open kind of
commute home | boys and sticks = perfect combination | we sat in the grass watching the
little neighbor boy practicing tee ball | bed time turned into bachelor finale time,
watched Ben make a bad decision

the sky was just beautiful this week

and so were the flowers
home for the day with the sick boy (sinus infection) | coffee on the front porch while the
boy took a morning nap | all smiles while swinging | burning off some energy on the deck |
this boy loves sticks | sunshine time in the grass | during afternoon nap time, I enjoyed
some more time on the porch swing and enjoyed a late lunch of pizza | soccer time on the
deck | watching as matt's dad and uncle cut down our dead cherry tree (sadness all around
because we loved this beautiful tree)
enjoyed a mid-week casual day (jeans) | silly Will

we woke up to a beautiful saturday watching morning cartoons, ready for our weekend...
The theme of this week is extra daylight = outdoor time! We spent tons of time outdoors every
evening after dinner. We couldn't get enough of the beautiful skies and 80 degree temperatures!

linking up with amy at a good life. and jenni at story of my life

Love your blue Ralph's! So cute! Another beautiful week of beautiful photos! Lol... Yep. Ben made one bad decision, FO sure!
What kind of flowers are those blooming? You have one pink and one blue? They are beautiful!
Love seeing all of the pictures of Will and you.
Love, Grandmama
these pictures are all fabulous... okay, well, the pukey one was a little gross... ha. love the new shades... and your little man is getting so big!!
he is so little boy in these pictures!! TOO FAST!