pretty hibiscus | sweet morning boy

toddler silliness

red light fun | evening in the backyard

early birthday celebration | breakfast with the cutest little guy

summer evening from my front porch

flirting and with some neighbor girls | water hose time

more outdoor time, our favorite thing around here

the last day of my 20's | water hose time, followed by nakey time

turning 30 | birthday dinner and drinks downtown

silly eater | more outdoor time

spa day | out for dinner

morning boy | windows down in the car | panera breakfast

chocolate chip cookies

beautiful summer skies

salsa face

snack time on the sidewalk

love this boy (and my hydrangea)

evening porch swingin' with my gogurt lover

cinnamon crunch bagel kind of morning

lip gloss love

sunset dinner and drinks at the lake with friends | lemon face

rock swinging | trip to the market for organic banana nut bread and organic lolipop

messy eater

day trip over the river and through the woods | fun in the sun | nap in the hammock
swing | back over the river and through the woods with the sunset at our backs

muffins and front porch time | rainy day errands

sick day editing photos and cuddling | big lunch | cherry's on the porch | porch swingin'

sunset | crazy toddler stripping antics

an evening walk | a dirt lovin' boy

linking up with amy at a good life.

happy birthday! (:
phew.... that was a LOT of photos in one post. Im tired just looking at them all ;D Great captures though..... loved them all!