If our house had yearly Christmas themes like the White House, this would be the year of
the train. Will has always loved choo-choo's, so when we saw this train set at a toy store
a while back, we had to buy it for our tree. While Will was visiting his grandparents after
Thanksgiving, Matt and I brought the tree home and got it all decorated and got the train
set up around the tree. Matt decided Will needed his own small tree with color lights, so not
only did we decorate the little tree with lights and a tree skirt, but we also set-up Will's
wooden train set around it. We also have the music box with a train going around the tree from
a past Christmas, and my mother-in-law found the Santa setting up the train around a tree in her
collection. In addition to all of this, we also went on a train ride with Santa and I will share
the details of that in a later post. Will is in Christmas choo-choo heaven around here, and we
couldn't be happier to see the joy on his face.
He is actually getting Christmas this year for the first time, and it is the best thing ever to
watch his eyes light up and hear him squeal with delight!
On another note, it is devastating to think about the lives that were lost in Connecticut a few
short days ago, and those beautiful children who will never get to experience another Christmas
with their families. I can only hope that their Christmases in heaven are a million times more happy
and beautiful and joyous. My thoughts and prayers are with their families during this difficult time!

1 comment:
Such pretty bokeh! Every tree should have a train underneath.