(so excited we are getting all new custom windows very soon, just waiting for the factory to finish)

A typical Sunday afternoon for us consists of me keeping the laundry going and catching up on
my shows on DVR while Will naps, followed by playtime in the play room or cuddling up to a
family movie. This Sunday was the exception. With the beautiful weather, I took my laundry
piles to the front porch for folding and rocked in the rocking chair streaming pandora radio
and soaking up the sunshine. I was so eager for Will to wake up and come outside with me, that
I crept into his room and while watching him sleep, I couldn't help but take a few photos. At
28 months old, he is still in his crib because we haven't decided on a paint color for his big
boy room, but I am constantly reminded by the big red corvette bed pieces in the room at the
end of the hall that he is growing up and will soon be in his big boy bed. Frankly, we are not
ready for that step yet. I am excited for him to graduate to a big bed, but am apprehensive
about the struggle of keeping him in his bed at night and during naps. He is a good sleeper like
me and never even flinched as the shutter opened and closed on my camera lens. I resisted the
urge and allowed him to wake up naturally. When we finally made it outside, he had a blast play-
ing with his tools, scraping dirt, gathering rocks, picking dandelions, and jumping up and down
the steps. He was so occupied with his activities that he could not be bothered to look at the
camera. He is so much faster walking and running outside now that I can barely keep up with my
camera. After dinner, he enjoyed a snack on the front porch swing and quickly scooped his tools
back up. It seemed that our entire neighborhood was out and about walking dogs, riding bicycles,
or jogging, so there was lots of people watching to do. And, how about that extra hour of light?
I never give a second thought to the hour of sleep that I missed when I get to enjoy an extra hour
of daylight in the evenings. The extra light in the evenings is priceless for this working momma
who is stuck in the office all day long. We now get to look forward to the days getting longer
and the temperatures getting warmer. Spring is right around the corner and we are super excited!

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He is such a sweetie. What a great way to do laundry.
Such cute shots, as always! Will is such a handsome little guy. Sounds like such a lovely day. Mason hides from my camera now, seriously! And I 100% agree with you...the extra hour of daylight is worth the hour of sleep loss!!