The sand and sandbox were delivered last week, and Matt couldn't wait to set it up for him,
even though the temperatures have been unusually cold this Spring. We knew this weekend was
supposed to warm up some, so Matt built the sandbox Friday night. Will found his shovel and
insisted on sleeping with it all night. When I went to get him out of bed he had the shovel
in his hand and was ready to go. We bundled up and headed outside. He had a perma-grin on
the entire time, and he squealed with delight over and over. His joy makes my heart happy!

Oh my goodness - so cute!! The sand looks so soft!
our daycare has a sandbox that they opened for the season last week and it's P's favorite play space. I know that because when she comes off and we take off her shoes, we get most of the sand :)
Perfect pictures are usual ;)
The joy in these pictures makes my heart smile! So precious!