I enjoyed reading all of the lovely comments on my positivity
post, and you have inspired me to keep this up. Thank you!
As I was making a birthday cake for a friend, Mason was so
eager watching me put the finishing touches on the icing. When
I was done, I let him lick the icing spreader. He was in heaven!

We celebrated a friends birthday at work, and she was super
surprised by the celebration and by the cake I made for her.
I love making people happy, especially through food!

Will actually said bye, bye to his daddy as I was getting him
out of the car to go into the babysitter. He always responds to
us when we say hi and bye to him, but this time he initiated it.
After surviving another long work week, I finally got to come
home, get in my pajamas, and lounge around with my furry boys.
We took a drive to Charlottesville to visit my in-laws, and
to go to dinner at Aberdeen Barn. Will was so scared of the
dog statue at my in-laws house, he ran by it every time he had
to pass by, and wouldn't let it out of his sight.

Spent the day at home with our little family, bundling up,
staying warm, watching movies, and doing laundry. The perfect
way to spend a Sunday if you ask me!
Will farted for the first time in the tub. As the little bubbles
came up, he looked down, then looked up a little unsure and as I
laughed he out a little sheepish giggle. I enjoyed the greatest
laugh in a while!
The sun finally came out after days and days of clouds! Enough said.

Bye bye daddy... that is so sweet. That bathtub story is so great!
Oh PLEASE keep this up, I SO enjoy it! Lol... the bathtub "bubbles"..... HILARIOUSLY cute! Also the daddy story made me smile!
Really enjoying Finding the Positive in Each Day - Great Idea!
I'll take a cake! YUM! ;)
YES! I really really love these posts! :) So, yes, please keep it up!
--icing licking doggy is ADORABLE
--isn't it great how wonderful it makes YOU feel when you do something (even if it is small) to make someone else happy! Such a great pick-me-up!
--hooray for the Will-initiated goodbye! He's growing up!
--lounge time=the best time
--I am cracking up about the dog statue. Ha!
--and now I am really cracking up about the elusive "tub toot" HAHAHAHA
--HELLO Sunshine! :)
Beautiful moments, my friend!! :D
I love these posts, too! That tub story is cracking me up!
Also, you got a telephoto lens? That's awesome!
the dog statue is hilarious! and parker always gets a little freaked out at bath fart bubbles... it never stops being funny :)