a german dinner at the train station | fresh bread with herbed butter | a boot sized beer | orange
glazed duck (the photo looks unappetizing, but it was delish) | raspberry chocolate torte

homemade cake for a friends birthday (no fancy decorations or writing, just yummy white cake with
icing) | the secret ingredient to delicious buttercream icing is marshmallow cream | mason loves!

all dressed up and ready to go | icy and wet, but we were on our way to Charlottesville for the day |
played on the iPad2 and thankful for the outlet in our car since the battery was low | Will slept the
whole way - yay! | dinner at Aberdeen Barn lit only with gas lanterns | homemade salad dressing, and
the largest slabs of prime rib you have ever seen | we drove home to the sounds of satellite radio

my coffee spot next to my new lamp, my favorite vase, and my late grandmothers glass platter

sunday morning in christmas pajamas with a halloween bucket | chilaxin' with a bottle on his trampoline

hanging out in plaid grandpa pants

hump day at chili's | playing with daddy | flirting with waitresses

a cold winter morning means snuggling up inside

cutie bootie at bath time | a polite request to stop the photos

morning snuggles
linking up with amy at a good life.

i think i may or may not have stared at the chocolate torte for a full minute. YUM.
love those photos :D
HOW ADORABLE! Love the snuggle pictures!
love! All of these!
That is one super huge beer at the beginning! (looks like something my hubby would enjoy) ;)
The color of the pics in your car...so perfect! Looks so wintery and pretty! LOVE the cow car seat...I am getting a Britax for Hudson and deciding between the cow or the blue color. CUTE!
Sweet Will on the trampoline with his bottle is so precious...and I love that he already flirts with the ladies!
um, i want to eat where you eat! : )
what a little cutie i see!
Oh, I love your shots. Too adorable!!