the boys first battled over the squeaky toy

then, they battled over the stick

to be continued...
I finally got outside and used my telephoto lens on the dogs. They were extra energetic on this super
cold morning. Keep in mind that I am still practicing with this lens, but I am happy with the outcome.

These are glorious mama! LOVE the battle for the stick. You can tell they are super loved pups, & they love eachother a ton!
for just getting used to this lens, you are doing an INCREDIBLE job! I wish I could use the lenses that I've had for years as well as you use this new one! thrilled to have stumbled on your blog :) xoxo {av}
Your dogs are beautiful! I love the retriever (?) and the husky for different reasons, but boy, if I have a dog, it'd be one of these two breeds (or a lab)!
Great captures. :)
OH! The pictures look AMAZING!!!!! I just love the detail, and the way they turned out.
And the "sore loser" pic had me laughing out loud. Dogs are SO human. ;)
Your pups are too cute!!!! We have a golden mix and are constantly vacuuming up his hair daily. How is it handling 2 dogs of that size?
these are so great. love the story and the photos--especially the victory dance. we really need to get chewie a playmate.